
In this Halloween-themed 3D game, the player assumes the role of the Pumpkin King, tasked with restoring mutated humans back to their normal state using specially crafted candy. The game takes place in a haunted town where humans have transformed into a variety of monsters. Players must navigate this eerie world, gather ingredients, and craft candies to cure the monsters, all while managing time and resources. The gameplay offers a blend of action, crafting, and strategy, as the player races to prevent total chaos

Number of Players:

Single player.

Player Goals:

Cure all the mutated humans by Candy Resource management victory: The player must manage resources (candy and other items: apple banana) to keep the machines running. If they can maintain the machines long enough and produce enough candy, they win.

Interface & Controls

  • WASD for movement, E for interaction.
  • Pickup menu: Displays available recipes and collected ingredients.
  • Inventory system: Limited space for ingredients and crafted candy.
  • Progress bar for the city entrance and status indicators for monsters (use camera switch).

Team Members:

Xinghua Huo: Programmer

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Robin Hu - Tweener

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Sayed Akid Hussain - Tweener

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Nandini Parmar - Artist

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